May12020YEAR 4YEAR 4 MODULE 1YEAR 4 MODULE 2YEAR 4 MODULE 3YEAR 4 MODULE 4YEAR 4 MODULE 5YEAR 4 MODULE 6YEAR 4 MODULE 7YEAR 4 MODULE 8YEAR 4 MODULE 9YEAR 4 MODULE 10YEAR 4 PHONICS Category: YEAR 4By teacherfiera01/05/20208 Comments Share this post Share on WhatsAppShare on WhatsApp Author: teacherfiera Hi guys..teacherfiera here. Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:YEAR 3 SUPPORTING MATERIALS BASED ON TEXTBOOK MODULE 1-10NextNext post:YEAR 4 MODULE 1 QUIZ 1Related PostsYEAR 4 VOCABULARY – WORDS AND MEANING16/04/2024CONVERSATION PRACTICE RECORD BOOK & SUGGESTED LIST OF CONVERSATION PRACTICE30/04/2023YEAR 4 MODULE 4 QUIZ 612/11/2020YEAR 4 MODULE 10 BROCHURE10/10/2020YEAR 4 MODULE 9 BROCHURE07/10/2020YEAR 4 MODULE 8 BROCHURE05/10/2020
Hi, teacher. Last time has exercise based on textbook with answer , but i cannot find. The exercise good for revision. Can u help me? Reply
hi there…i’m sorry but I haven’t got the time to prepare the answer scheme for all the shared worskeets yet as of now.. I’m too occupied with lots of things at the moment..However, if I have the time in future, I’ll try my best to prepare them k… Reply
Thank you for sharing the module for year 4, really sweet of, it is very useful during this sadly moment. Reply
Hi, teacher. Last time has exercise based on textbook with answer , but i cannot find. The exercise good for revision. Can u help me?
hi there…i’m sorry but I haven’t got the time to prepare the answer scheme for all the shared worskeets yet as of now.. I’m too occupied with lots of things at the moment..However, if I have the time in future, I’ll try my best to prepare them k…
I’m done teacher
Very easy teacher
I like teacher
Thank you so much teacher Fiera…
Assalamuaalikum teacher fiera….thank you for your materials..really helpful….pls halalkan…
Wlam…you are most welcome..halal semua
Thank you… Its really helpful..
Thank you for sharing the module for year 4, really sweet of, it is very useful during this sadly moment.