Thank you very much Teacher Fiera.I really appreciate what you have prepared here.These materials really help me as I myself don’t have much time to prepare for my Year 5 Lessons and materials.Thanks teacher.
Tq so much for all d material that you have shared.
Only ALLAH can repay your kindness and efford. May you n your fmly be in a good health. Aamiin.
Tqvm ?
Hi! Would like to know…is sjk’s units are the same?
Is there any workbook for the sjkt pr sjkc schools?
Thank you very much Teacher Fiera.I really appreciate what you have prepared here.These materials really help me as I myself don’t have much time to prepare for my Year 5 Lessons and materials.Thanks teacher.
Thanks a lot teacher Fiera. Awesome sharing for all of us.
Tq so much for all d material that you have shared.
Only ALLAH can repay your kindness and efford. May you n your fmly be in a good health. Aamiin.
Thanks a million, Teacher Fiera…..
Thanks a lot teacher Fiera. Terima kasih..
Thanks a lot Teacher Fiera. God bless you always for guiding and helping all the English teachers.Thanks again.
Thanks a million to teacher Fiera. Semoga Allah merahmati anda selalu.

Zillion thanks Teacher Fiera for sharing the materials..May God bless you abundantly.
Thanks Teacher Fiera. May Allah bless you.
Thanks for the worksheets, Teacher Fiera <3
I believe the kids are going to love these~
Thanks Teacher Fiera
Thanks Teacher Fiere~ btw any answers provided?
Hi there…All answers for Year 5 materials are available in the Teacher’s Book.
..tqvm madam..pray that joy and success will never depart from your life..thanks
Thank you very much Teacher Fiera for all the worksheets. You’re an amazing teacher!
Thanks a lot teacher Fiera. You’ve rock my pupils world